Top 5 Winter Weather Hazards in Industrial Workplaces

“Winter is coming.” This iconic phrase from Game of Thrones serves as a poignant reminder for industrial workplaces: the colder months usher in a unique set of challenges that can amplify existing hazards and introduce new ones. Proactively addressing these risks is crucial to ensure the safety and well-being of employees. 1. Slips, Trips, and Falls Icy surfaces, wet floors from tracked-in snow, and uneven ground due to freeze-thaw cycles significantly increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls during winter. To mitigate these hazards: Regular Snow and Ice Removal: Implement scheduled protocols for de-icing and snow removal to maintain clear and safe walkways. Use of Anti-Slip Materials: Apply sand, salt, or commercial de-icers on outdoor surfaces to enhance traction. Indoor Floor Mats: Place absorbent mats at entrances to capture moisture and reduce indoor slipperiness. Appropriate Footwear: Encourage or require employees to wear slip-resist...